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Final Days

This is a picture of the Wausau Paper mill in Groveton. The former Grand Trunk station is in the foreground. The mill is now scheduled to close in December. There were once five large mills in the North Country. Four have closed in less than three years. Now the only one left is the lower mill in Berlin. Hopefully it will last. These mills were big customers for the railroads. The Grand Trunk, B&M, Maine Central, and later the SLR, And N.H & Vt. hauled a lot of cars to and from these mills. The whole economy of the region was built around them. After the farms declined, they were pretty much all that was left. The future will be interesting, but problematic for many in the area.

Photographed by Mark Silliker, July 9, 2007.
Added to the photo archive by Mark Silliker, October 25, 2007.
Railroad: Wausau Paper Mill.

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