The GreatRails North American Railroad Photo Archive
Photo of 592 exits
592 exits

During the early 1950s, the New Haven's RS-3s were replaced by new power, Fairbanks-Morse H-44s. Engine 592 exits East Side Tunnel with the weekday oil drag. It was the crew's practice to drag the buggy behind the engine on the return trip, because when they arrived on the west side of Union Station in Providence and track 6, the engine would cut off, leaving the hack on the rear of the train. The engine would run around its string, tack onto the head end, and travel the three miles to Northup Avenue Yard - "Six Bridges," to the railroaders. A highway span over the middle of the yard led to its nickname. Eventually the crews simply kept the buggy with the engine all the time. It saved time when they arrived in the yard and tied up. By then, I was able to use my Aunt Margie's Kodak Tourist folding camera, which used 616 films and yielded much larger negatives. The lens was better, too. Ca. 1953.

Photographed by Leo King, 1953.
Added to the photo archive by Leo King, May 17, 2004.
Railroad: NY, NH & H.

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