The GreatRails North American Railroad Photo Archive
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Another shot

Here is the second section, so to speak of the trip over the former electric lines. Since they could only take one car per engine, they made two trips so everyone could ride on the rare trackage. That is not snow on the foreground, trying to adjust the light, i could not get the pavement the right color !

Photographed by Frank JohnsonJr., Collection of Karl Johnson, June 12, 1971.
Added to the photo archive by Karl Johnson, January 16, 2021.
Railroad: Claremont Concord.

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Visitor Comments about this Photo:

On my first trip to Claremont Police dept(Fall of 1979) to work on the burglar alarm receiver,I overerheard a conversation between two dispatchers."the train" had jumped the track and hit a building.What was the proper paperwork for such an unusual incident?The second dispatcher answered "the train is a motor vehicle. File a motor vehicle report"Later that day ,in my travel to a second service call in claremont , I discovered the corner of the building IN THIS PHOTO was demolished EXACTLLY WHERE THE CORNER OF THE GONDOLA IS SHOWN!!!

Posted by Allan Lovering on 2021-01-16 11:42:15

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