The GreatRails North American Railroad Photo Archive
Photo of Former B&M Budd RDCs in Meredith
Former B&M Budd RDCs in Meredith

This Budd RDC-9 was special ordered by the B&M to be used in the middle with full powered RDCs. The RDC-9's were unique as they were built with one engine for HVAC, lights, and made a very small contribution to the overall power output of an RDC consist. They have no operator controls, or cab windows. Also there's no on-board bathroom for that matter, the RDC-1s have them. The purpose of the RDC-9 was to provide added room for seating.

The B&M had the largest fleet of Budd RDC's and many were in service until the late 1980's. The Hobo and Winnipesaukee Scenic uses 6 (soon to be 7) Budd RDC's, though the days of being self propelled are way in the past.

These two Budds pictured: RDC-9 #6921 built 1956 and RDC-1 #6105, built 1953 have B&M and MBTA heritage.

These restored coaches offer the very comfortable high back dark blue seats. They are used mainly on the Fall Foliage Specials (Meredith to Plymouth) and have been placed in service when needed on the Meredith to Lakeport, "Local".

Taken at Meredith Station. The Winnipesaukee Scenic is operating for the 2023 season.

(Thanks to the BMRHS B&M Bulletin Magazine for some info)

Photographed by Jay Gadon, June 25, 2023.
Added to the photo archive by Jay Gadon, June 30, 2023.
Railroad: Winnipesaukee Scenic Railroad.

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Full-Sized image (2563 x 1922)
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