The GreatRails North American Railroad Photo Archive
Photo of NEGS CA-1 GMTX 1505 by East Main Street, Tilton
NEGS CA-1 GMTX 1505 by East Main Street, Tilton

Here was New England Southern's CA-1 Crew taking one empty tank car south over the second of three spans that cross the Winnipesaukee River between Northfield and Tilton. The train was approaching the East Main Street Crossing on the Tilton side (By Cumby's). If you look real close under the cab end steps on the bridge, you'll see a repainted Boston & Maine Railroad sign, former owner of this bygone major route, until the mid 1970's when the State of NH purchased the line.

Tilton's "Island Park" is in the background, once a great place to get that perfect NEGS picture. Currently, there is no pedestrian access to the Park as the wrought iron historic bridge that connects the park to East Main Street has been closed off for several years due to salt corrosion on the street end. Hopefully the bridge and access will be restored,

Since Vermont Railway acquired NEGS in 2020, these tracks stay in operation year round. No matter the weather, the shiny yellow SW1500 always makes for a good photograph..

Photographed by Jay Gadon, March 10, 2024.
Added to the photo archive by Jay Gadon, March 12, 2024.
Railroad: New England Southern.

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Visitor Comments about this Photo:

Nice capture Jay.

Posted by Bruce Macdonald on 2024-03-12 10:13:13

Thank you Bruce !

Posted by Jay Gadon on 2024-03-12 17:55:12

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