The GreatRails North American Railroad Photo Archive
Photo of MC 2009 Crossing County Road
MC 2009 Crossing County Road

MC 2009 returns along the Williams passing track, headed north to get behind the single C&D car going out to the Transfer Station.

Photographed by H.Brown, October 15, 2019.
Added to the photo archive by Henry Brown, October 17, 2019.
Railroad: Mass Coastal.

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Visitor Comments about this Photo:

Hi Henry. Do you remember what time this was about? I know the schedules are a little inconsistent on this line, but it’ll maybe give me somewhat of an idea. Thanks.

Posted by Chris Blumer on 2019-10-17 15:13:27

This was about 1:30 PM. This seems to be the common theme with the Falmouth line-the C&D trains come down in the afternoon with 1 to 3 cars. It takes them between 25 and 30 minutes to get from Canal Jct (bridge) to Otis Jct. I'd say on average it's a twice weekly trip for them, Thursday being another common day. The transfer station itself has public access, although it's a little uncomfortable out there due to trucks, etc. In the case of this particular move, I heard them on the scanner (160.425) at about 5 PM making a Y movement on the lift bridge to pick up cars on the "Cape Main" from the Yarmouth Transfer Station. Being at the bridge between 4-5 pm most days will yield a train sighting.

Posted by Henry Brown on 2019-10-18 05:57:40

Oh okay. Yeah I actually went up to Cataumet both yesterday and today and waited for a couple of hours after noon, but to no avail. Instead, I had to just settle with the daily Energy Train at West Barnstable earlier this evening. It’s kind of interesting because right about the same time that the Energy Train passed through West Barnstable, I heard the dispatcher acknowledging the MC 2009 (which I’d assume is the engine they are using for the C&D Trains based on your photos from Tuesday) clearing, “Buttermilk” and heading north. That was like around 4:30/5:00 today. It seems to be a very elusive train. I’ve only been able to catch it once and that was about a year ago. Anyway, thank you for your insight Henry. I really appreciate it.

Posted by Chris Blumer on 2019-10-18 19:12:53

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