G&U Hopedale UpdateAs of the last week of August G&U received 10 or so Heritage dirty dirt container cars (empties) for transloading that pretty much consumed the small amount of track at the G&U Logistix facility at Hopedale. The Heritage cars share the same track that the fly ash covered hoppers use for unloading. The newly laid track extension south of the rte 16 crossing was put into use as a storage track for a few Dana Rail Svc covered hoppers, a couple of MBTA ballast hoppers, and the MBTA flat cars that recently delivered 80 foot lengths of rail to G&U (seen here sitting on the Hopedale St bridge). Construction of new siding(s) at Hopedale is proceeding slowly but now that reconstruction of two grade crossings at N Grafton with new 115 lb rail and ties is complete, perhaps the pace at Hopedale will accelerate.
Photographed by John Barlow, September 1, 2019.
Added to the photo archive by John Barlow, September 2, 2019.
Railroad: Grafton & Upton.
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