The GreatRails North American Railroad Photo Archive
Photo of Pan Am in the hay hauling business?
Pan Am in the hay hauling business?

Saw these gons overgrown with hay on the siding near Sandy Pond Rd crossing in Ayer in December of 2014. Must be an interesting story behind this ...

Photographed by John Barlow, December 19, 2014.
Added to the photo archive by John Barlow, June 11, 2017.
Railroad: Pan Am Railways.

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Visitor Comments about this Photo:

Perhaps some dirt or other material that could be inconvenient to unload in a landfill or even in the woods somewhere.

Posted by Ron Carlson on 2017-06-11 14:49:52

At the very least, whatever it is costs more than the scrap value of the cars and the rail they're sitting on, perhaps.

Posted by Ron Carlson on 2017-06-12 02:39:33

Reminds me of when I used to play as a youngster in the 1950s along the Moshassuck Valley RR in Saylesville, RI. Used bedding hay would come from the Lincoln Downs race track and be piled along a siding. When there was enough the MVRR would load several gondolas with the hay and ship them to New Jersey for the Campbell soap company which would use the manure laced hay for growing mushrooms. I was not taking pictures then but I did see on e-bay a good shot of the hay loading on the MVRR. I have also seen a B&M video in the steam era with a train with a gondola of hay piled several feet above the car side and sticking way out. The "real" hay shipments looked a lot different than the "hay" in this very interesting photo. Thanks for posting it.

Posted by Edward Ozog on 2017-08-04 11:41:43

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