The GreatRails North American Railroad Photo Archive
Photo of Inbound.

A mid morning Franklin- Boston train is departing Walpole.

Photographed by Ken Patton, September, 1976.
Added to the photo archive by Ken Patton, May 25, 2021.
Railroad: Conrail.

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Visitor Comments about this Photo:

Your artistry transforms the plainest of Buddliners into an object of beauty

Posted by Stephen Demboske on 2021-05-25 07:13:32

Given the meager level of MBTA Commuter Rail ridership currently as the pandemic winds down but with many people continuing to work from home, a single RDC would be a lot more economical for the MBTA to operate than a 6-7 coaches "filled" with 50 or so patrons. On a different note, I recall when I moved to metro Boston in the early '80s, I would hear these strange (to me) air whistles coming from the Framingham line about a mile distant from my house. By the time I figured out that they were Hancock air whistles used on ex-NH Geeps and RDCs, they were replaced by F40s and Boise Budds! Excellent photo of the dependable passenger equipment that dominated the Boston RR scene in the '60s & '70s.

Posted by John Barlow on 2021-05-25 08:22:36

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