The GreatRails North American Railroad Photo Archive

Rear end of eastbound Mail and Express train #58 showing "rider car" and Flexi-Vans assigned for US Mail service with side doors. Rider car was made from a passenger coach with seats and windows at both ends for crew visibility. The coach's trucks were better suited for passenger train speeds than freight cabooses.

Photographed by Bruce Nelson, November 5, 1970.
Added to the photo archive by Bruce Nelson, December 18, 2023.
Railroad: Penn Central.

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Visitor Comments about this Photo:

Excellent! Question: what did NYC/PC rider coaches use for heat? Was there a steam line passing through the Flex-Van flats? Or did the coach have a stove? The EL rider coaches used on its mail trains were generally ex-Erie Stillwell coaches with coal stoves with a roof top smoke stack.

Posted by John Barlow on 2023-12-18 09:53:37

Framingham back in the day-nice and busy. Did armed guards inhabit the "Rider Car"? Given the sacred nature of mail and express back then, I wonder. Now the thieves rob the local mailman and steal his box key.

Posted by Henry Brown on 2023-12-18 17:13:33

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