Acela Train 2257 Passing Kingston StationAMTK Acela 2018 passes Kingston Station operating as Train 2257 yesterday afternoon, aided by a strong and chilly northerly wind.
<BR>Train 2257 kicks off an ideal hour of train watching if all the trains are on time. About 15 minutes after 2257 passes trains 164 and 165 are scheduled into overlapping stops, and then an hour after 2257 train 2259 is due through.
<BR>Yesterday 2257 had the best performance of the day, having left Providence about 6 minutes late and moving right along here. This was just a bit before 4 p.m.
Photographed by Warren Beckwith, October 2, 2022.
Added to the photo archive by Warren Beckwith, October 3, 2022.
Railroad: Amtrak/Northeast Corridor.
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