The GreatRails North American Railroad Photo Archive
Photo of Turners Falls branch
Turners Falls branch

The Turners Falls branch went through a golf course which happened to be accross the stret from a relivtives house . The buggy could use a good cleaning !!

Photographed by Frank O Johnson Jr, collection of karl Johnson, October, 1978.
Added to the photo archive by Karl Johnson, November 22, 2020.
Railroad: Boston & Maine.

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Full-Sized image (575 x 383)
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Visitor Comments about this Photo:

So could the buggy that currently sits @ the East Deerfield yard throat!

Posted by Stephen Demboske on 2020-11-22 13:21:35

Oh WOW we don't get to see many images of that branch!!

Posted by Jonelle DeFelice on 2020-12-09 14:23:08

Did they use the horn or just shout “playing through, playing through!”

Posted by Ron Carlson on 2020-12-13 05:32:20

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