Visitor Comments about this Photo:I was there a couple of days later and a little mystified at the way they are foing things. They stopped about 25 feet from Green Street and began working from 140. Posted by Edward Freedman on 2020-05-07 13:27:00 I was there a couple of days later and a little mystified at the way they are doing things. They stopped about 25 feet from Green Street and began working from 140. Posted by Edward Freedman on 2020-05-07 13:28:14 Any idea if the Milford branch to Franklin will be used again? Posted by Ron Recchia on 2020-05-07 15:02:38 I found out today the reason they haven't connected the last short length to Green Street is that they need an adapter for two weight rails. They buy the rail used. Delivery backed up, so they are just working around it. Posted by Edward Freedman on 2020-05-08 14:31:19 You must be logged on to post comments. |