PLL 302 over Jewett Brook in LaconiaCatching an almost 70 year old, first generation GP7 hauling freight is something you don't see everyday, let along on this portion of the White Mountain Branch through Laconia NH.
But here we were, looking at the Jewett Brook bridge between Bisson Ave and Messer Streets in Laconia. Most of those railroad ties are for an upcoming replacement project between Lochmere and Thornton.
The GP7 was built in August of 1950 for the Rock Island. New England Southern owned it as their 302. PLL bought 302, kept the number, chopped the nose, painted it,and improved the condition of the engine. These days, 302 is used as a backup option for the WInnipesaukee Scenic trains in Meredith.,
Photographed by Jay Gadon, April 30, 2020.
Added to the photo archive by Jay Gadon, April 30, 2020.
Railroad: Winnipesaukee Scenic Railroad.
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