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Saint Quentin Sub.

This 107.2 mile stretch between Tide Head, NB and St. Leonard, NB, showed in post war time tables as Campbellton to Edmundston. It was built to encourage development in northern New Brunswick. Therefor, land acquisition was no problem. Subsidy money at the time encouraged covering the 86 (air) miles with no fewer than 100 miles of railroad. To that end, engineering, such as cuts, fills, trestles and bridges, was discouraged. This train of empty wood chip gondolas is following the land contours near St. Martin on the way to Veneer. While the line is long abandoned, traces visible on map functions, reveal the generous amount of curvature between Kedgwick and St. Quentin.

Photographed by Ken Patton, July, 1978.
Added to the photo archive by Ken Patton, December 26, 2019.
Railroad: Canadian National.

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Visitor Comments about this Photo:

Terrific picture! This line does show up in Google Earth imagery from 2014 as the Sentier NB trail and this vantage point of this half mile wide horseshoe curve can be found via street view although the vegetation looks quite different. 95% of the line's business was wood chips destined for a mill at Campbellton but line lost >$1M annually and line was abandoned in mid-1989 per Canadian Transportation Agency ruling ( Great stuff!

Posted by John Barlow on 2019-12-26 07:33:54

The original terminus for the line was in downtown Campbellton, but that was later abandoned and the connection was made farther west on the ICR at Tide Head. The western end of the sub still serves the big JD Irving lumber mill in St. Leonard. CN switches it for lumber, and Maine Northern comes across the Saint John River to collect loads of woodchips, which eventually wind their way through Maine and to Saint John, NB on NBSR.

Posted by Geoff Doane on 2019-12-26 08:41:14

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