WRJ, around 4 PM 1/2The train pair between Boston and Montreal, (via CP), had been cancelled the previous year. As a result, there were only two, rather than four trains in the station at one time. By July,1966 the northbound and southbound Ambassadors arrived about the same time on their runs between New York and Montreal. Both trains were down to three cars. The plan was for the first two cars on each train to continue to destination, while the third car on each would return to its origination. This shot was made midway in the "shuffle". The CV Geep has been wyed and replaced the n/b B&M power. (The CN return coach is visible to the left). Another set of B&M power has hold of the CV s/b, through cars and joined them up with the NH return coach, now separated from the n/b through cars.
Photographed by Ken Patton, July, 1966.
Added to the photo archive by Ken Patton, April 1, 2019.
Railroad: Boston & Maine.
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