Downeaster Arriving.Downeaster Arriving in Brunswick, Me, about an hour and half late. I was told by someone that every road crossing from Portland to brunswick had to be "Flag Stopped" due to malfunctioning Road crossing signals. This day was also marked by the last regular passenger train to the Midcoast by Maine Eastern Railroad. This ended because 1. it was the end of the regular season and 2. They were not chosen to by the State to run this line in 2016. Instead The Central Maine & Quebec will be taking over "freight operations" in January 2016. At this time no passenger train is expected to return to the midcoast end of a great Train/Railroad indeed.
Photographed by Bernard B Cole II, October 25, 2015.
Added to the photo archive by Bernard Cole II, October 28, 2015.
Railroad: Amtrak/Downeaster.
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