Ready for service/upgrades & some info.Posted active rail line that borders the Rail Trail in Farmingdale, Maine. If Maine Eastern Railroad does what it has been said they will do is: Operate a passenger train on this line if the Amtrak Downeaster runs at-least 2 trains a day to Brunswick starting next Year/Fall. By judging the number of people who use the trial for exercise/travel, biking walking, maybe they will also use the Train if it ever materlizes here. The last "Passenger Excursion" on this line was in May 2008. Why do we have to wait until 2012 or 2013 to see another passenger train run this line? If they can run a passenger Train from Brunswick to Rockland why can't they extend the service to Augusta? Granted MONEY is always an issue and the speed the Train can travel here is limited by FRA speed restrictions.
Photographed by Bernard Cole II, June 6, 2011.
Added to the photo archive by Bernard Cole II, June 9, 2011.
Railroad: Maine Eastern Railway.
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