Glove Hollow Christmas Tree FarmWinnipesaukee Railroad Alco 1008 patiently waits at the Glove Hollow Christmas Tree Farm for some of the privately owned caboose riders to select their tree. A tradition requested each year by the caboose owners for many a year. The tree farm is just south of Plymouth, NH on NH Route 3 and features hay rides for prospective tree customers to go down into the farm itself and select their tree. Needless to say the yougsters on the hay rides, which crossed over the tracks directly in front of the idling train, were more fascinated with the idling train vs their christmas tree. Remembering what it was like when they were that age, the engine crew allowed short tours of the engine for the interested youngsters before they ventured into the huge tree farm to select an appropriate tree.
Photographed by G Kenson, December 7, 2008.
Added to the photo archive by George Kenson, December 9, 2008.
Railroad: Hobo Railroad.
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