East Deerfield ActionFrom left to right, in the pit at East Deerfield sits SEED's power, MEC GP40-2WL 505, MEC GP40 370, B&M GP40 337, and ST SD45 681, after dropping its train on the Greenfield Runner. To its immediate right is a BFED extra that had run out to Lake Pleasant and picked up a string of cars, with MEC GP40 373 and B&M GP40 333, in the foreground is RJ-1, just in from North Adams with MEC GP40 300, ST GP35 209, and MEC GP40 306, and on the far right is EDMO, with MEC GP40 376, ST GP35 210, and on its last trip for the foreseeable future, B&M SD39 690.
Photographed by Marty Brown, March 26, 2005.
Added to the photo archive by Marty Brown, March 28, 2005.
Railroad: Guilford.
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