The GreatRails North American Railroad Photo Archive
Photo of AMTK 606 Sharing the Magic Approaching Kingston Station
AMTK 606 Sharing the Magic Approaching Kingston Station

AMTK 606, the ACS-64 that has been converted to a rolling Coca-Cola billboard, invites onlooker to 'Share the Magic on Amtrak' as it leads train 160 into Kingston Station for its stop just a few minutes behind its scheduled arrival time.
<BR><BR>I have mixed emotions. How many other corporations will buy space on the sides of ACS-64's? Any will add interesting variety to the numbing similarity of most Northeast Corridor trains; is that worth turning the fleet info larger versions of city buses in bus-wraps? Still I am thankful to the railfan in Edison, NJ who let us all know that the 606 was handling train 160 today; this was my first in-person view.

Photographed by Warren Beckwith, December 28, 2019.
Added to the photo archive by Warren Beckwith, December 28, 2019.
Railroad: Amtrak/Northeast Corridor.

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Visitor Comments about this Photo:

Hahahahaha!!!! Do you suppose Amtrak management could deem to toss Joe- can- of-Paint a hundred bucks and ask him/her to paint a Reuben sandwich on the side of a plain vanilla Diesel engine of theirs and run it between South Station and Chicago?? Something easy crafted by an onboard 👨‍🍳 chef???
This is simply crass commercialism and has gone so very far from what a quasi government entity was set up as and meant to the American public in 1971. No wonder that rural America has abandoned it in droves

Posted by Stephen Demboske on 2019-12-28 17:43:20

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