BOSTON & MAINE ROUNDHOUSEThe Boston engine terminal at East Somerville was quite bright because the rear wall was nearly all glass blocks. The engine to the rear is Pacific 3713 which pulled the last mainline steam trip on April 22, 1956 only a few weeks before I shot this. She is dead and I think in the same stall she occupied after the trip -- I think it was most common to move dead engines outside the roundhouse but I guess there was already some thought of preserving her. Before her last run I had seen 3713 stored behind the roundhouse -- she was equipped for use with a snow melting conveyor car but had no other purpose since she wasn't suited for commuter service..
Photographed by Edward Ozog, May, 1956.
Added to the photo archive by Edward Ozog, September 19, 2009.
Railroad: Boston & Maine.
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