The GreatRails North American Railroad Photo Archive
Photo of New Haven Flat car F213
New Haven Flat car F213

New Haven Railroad flat car F213 sits on the lead at Willimantic Ct. The car has two trucks on it and some form of framing.

The flat car with the framework & trucks is the old `Cedar Hill Circus Car'. It
was used to carry the locomotive lifting hooks, when they were not needed. The
freight trucks were modified to hold a locomotive slightly higher then normal so
nothing would catch, while the shop crews had the power trucks out for
servicing. This allowed for the crane to be used elsewhere while the work was
proceeding, and to make a safer work environment where the locomotive was not
hanging for extended periods.

(photo taken before museum opened for season)

Thanks to:Rich Cizik MoW Foreman
Blacksmith Shop Co-Head
Ct Eastern RR Museum
for the car info

Photographed by Mark Beebe, May 7, 2007.
Added to the photo archive by Mark Beebe, June 12, 2007.
Railroad: Connecticut Eastern Railroad Museum.

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